Semiotics is closely related to the contemporary structural linguistic model, the foundations of which were laid by the Swiss linguistic researcher (Ferdinand de Saussure 1838-1913 AD), who defined it in his book lectures in general linguistics as: "The science that studies the life of the sign within the social life", it is the science that is interested in understanding all manifestations of human behavior, starting from simple emotions through complex social rituals, and this scientist had the favor of predicting science, and the step of establishing the term semiology, as for his theories, was the basis on which the European semiotic schools (semiology of communication and semantics, analytical semiology) and ways to employ them, so the schools were diversified with multiple points of view, and how to adopt the Saussuren model of the sign

This lessons is aimed at the master level, specializing in modern and contemporary Arabic literature, tagged with: semiotics lessons, to bring the concepts of this science closer to the minds of students, and an attempt to collect the parties of Science, which are lessons in which we tried to adopt a vertical method in presenting the scientific material, collecting concepts and simplifying them, and a horizontal:

bringing concepts closer to the student, and removing the confusion in dealing with science and its terminology-.

Expanding the student's understanding of the novelties of contemporary critical knowledge, by sequencing its history and mentioning its flags and their works.

training the student in order to possess the mechanisms of semiotic approach in reading literary texts, in order to deal with texts comfortably.

                                               كتاب الحداثة في الشعر العربي المعاصر بيانها ومظاهرها - مكتبة نور

وحدة التّعليم الأساسية.

المادة: مظاهر الحداثة في الأدب العربي المعاصر

الرّصيد: 05/ المعامل03.

الدّكتورة: حميدة قادوم.

البريد الالكتروني:


·         أهداف التّعليم:

·         في نهاية الوحدة التعليمية :

1-        يصبح الطالب قادرا على معرفة مصطلح الحداثة وحدوده في المفهوم الغربي والعربي.

2-        يتمكن من معرفة الفرق بين الحداثة والمعاصرة.

3-        يتمكن من الوقوف على مظاهر الحداثة في الأدب العربي المعاصر.

4-            يتمكن الطالب من الوقوف على تقاطعات الحداثة مع مختلف المرجعيات ومنها المرجعية الغربية.

5-            يتمكن الطالب من معرفة إشكالات الحداثة على مستوى الشعر والنثر.

6-            يتعرف الطالب على جماليات النص الشعري الحديث.

7-            يصل الطالب في نهاية الوحدة إلى معرفة مظاهر الحداثة المتجلية في النص العربي شعرا ونثرا.